Contact Us

Contact Details


Annelie Ihlenfeldt:

Cell: +27 (0)72 190 0224
Physical Address: 1020 Main Street, Hluhluwe
GPS Co-ordinates: S 28’05985 degrees E 32’27844 degrees

The nearest town from Bahati Caravan Park is Hluhluwe, about 5km on normal/standard gravel road.

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Directions from Durban to Bahati Caravan Park

Take the N2 north from Durban, travel north past Richards Bay towards HLUHLUWE, take flyover turnoff R22, travel through Hluhluwe town, past 4 traffic circles, at last traffic circle take 2nd exit (Allen’s Butchery) turn right onto D70 dirt road. Travel straight on for about 5km and find BAHATI entrance on right